Minna von Barnhelm love

Minna von Barnhelm


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  • Since reason and necessity have commanded me to forget Minna von Barnhelm, what pains have I taken!

    Act II. Scene IX 1909

  • As author, properly speaking, he wrote _Fables_ which to our taste are dry and cold; he made several dramatic efforts none of which were masterpieces, the best being _Minna von Barnhelm_ and _Emilia Galotti_, and a philosophical poem in dialogue

    Initiation into Literature ��mile Faguet 1881

  • Pity him, that in his ‘Minna von Barnhelm,’ he had to take part in the quarrel between the Saxons and the Prussians, because he found nothing better.

    Chips From A German Workshop. Vol. III. Essays on Literature, Biography, and Antiquities 1861

  • "We have, for example, Lessing, who has written two dramas, of which every nation might be proud -- 'Minna von Barnhelm, and Emilia Calotti.'"

    Old Fritz and the New Era Peter [Translator] Langley 1843

  • "Your majesty, this wonderful comedy, 'Minna von Barnhelm,' was written for your majesty's glorification."

    Old Fritz and the New Era Peter [Translator] Langley 1843

  • Since reason and necessity have commanded me to forget Minna von Barnhelm, what pains have I taken!

    Minna Von Barnhelm Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 1755

  • Still Lessing’s name has not become European through his wit, and his charming comedy, _Minna von Barnhelm_, has won no place on a foreign stage.

    The Essays of "George Eliot" Complete George Eliot 1849


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